XL song pack for: Arms Of Mary (Sutherland Brothers)

Started by XeeniX, May 04, 2021, 10:48:35 AM

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Arms of Mary (Sutherland Brothers) XL song pack


Included are:

- Sheet music in pdf format in landscape format to  make better use of a widescreen monitor (in original and C key
- A suitable style (T5)
- 2 setup registrations (T5 or Genos)
- A readme file
- A midi file that I created while using the included sheet music and style

The included midi file can be a big help while learning to play the song since it is exactly following the sheet music.
You can use it to get a "feel" for the song or to help with difficult passages that you might come across in the sheet.
And last but not least for those who have problems with reading/using sheet music and therefore rather want to learn and play by ear.

have fun,
Peter  :smiley-music022:

ludo willems

Organplayer Montage

Korg pa5x  76 keys orantial      Yamaha Genos




