XL song pack for: Stand By Me (Ben E King / Max Oazo & Camishe)

Started by XeeniX, July 11, 2021, 01:23:26 PM

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Stand By Me (Ben E King / Max Oazo & Camishe) - XL song pack


I chose to use a more poppy style version for this all time classic :)

Included are:

- Sheet music in pdf format in landscape format to  make better use of a widescreen monitor (in C key)
- A suitable style (T5)
- 2 setup registrations (T5 or Genos)
- A readme file
- A midi file that I created while using the included sheet music and style

The included midi file can be a big help while learning to play the song since it is exactly following the sheet music.
You can use it to get a "feel" for the song or to help with difficult passages that you might come across in the sheet.
And last but not least for those who have problems with reading/using sheet music and therefore rather want to learn and play by ear.

*** Main voice in midi and registration is set to : PopBaritonSax which is part of the Bariton sax expansion pack for the Tyros 5. Genos should have no problems with that voice since it has that voice as preset. Owners of different keyboard models could replace this voice with the preset Bariton sax

Peter :smiley-music022:

ludo willems

Organplayer Montage

Korg pa5x  76 keys orantial      Yamaha Genos
