Today i buy a new keyboard

Started by Organplayer Montage, February 01, 2025, 06:14:38 AM

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Organplayer Montage

I saw a good deal for a Yamaha Genos  and i think why not and i buy it this morning,

 The Tyros 5 i will sell and so i become better and better in instruments
Korg pa5x  76 keys orantial      Yamaha Genos



Welcome back Rob.    Enjoy your Genos

I am in a strange position right now, as you know I have the Yamaha DGX-670 and I am loving it a lot.

I have saved enough to purchase a Genos 2 or a PA5X. But i am struggling with the decision which one to buy. The thought of having a TOTL Arranger sounds good to me but the DGX still sounds good to me !

But then I thought I could keep the DGX to play the Yamaha Styles and purchase the PA5x to play the Korg Styles...But I do not know if there were enough Korg Styles to satisfy me and the thought of creating styles for the PA5X is way beyond my skillset ( even with the videos from Qui )

Me thinks I need to move to your Country and be your next door neighbour so that I can experience all your knowledge on these boards

Yamaha DGX-670 connected to a Yamaha MW12 Mixer connected to a pair of Yamaha MSP10's + Yamaha SW10 Subwoofer using Songbook+.
MacBook Pro  32 GB  1 Terabyte SSD

Organplayer Montage

Ron, a tip from me, keep your dx and buy a Korg pa5x, you really won't regret it believe me I now have the Genos 1 it sounds very good even if I say so myself but the Korg wow that is super, and they are working on a new os version then you can make Pa5x styles from your midi files and they seem to sound better than the Yamaha program,

So buy a Pa5x and save your yamaha for the Yamaha styles

and at the moment I do little with posting songs because things are not going well at all with my wife she has lung cancer in the 4th stage so terminally ill she is given an immune system but it does not work well enough it removes cancer cells but new ones also come back, if it goes wrong and it does not work then she will be finished with treatment and will die so I take care of her as best I can we have been together for 43 years, and we also had to take my son-in-law away so playing is not that easy anymore

But I will   stay
Grt Rob
Korg pa5x  76 keys orantial      Yamaha Genos

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So sorry to hear about your wife !    I cannot imagine what you guys are going through ......Wish you guys all the best, it's tough what you are going through

My concerns seem so small now 

Yamaha DGX-670 connected to a Yamaha MW12 Mixer connected to a pair of Yamaha MSP10's + Yamaha SW10 Subwoofer using Songbook+.
MacBook Pro  32 GB  1 Terabyte SSD

Organplayer Montage

Korg pa5x  76 keys orantial      Yamaha Genos


Organplayer Montage

I make a big Mistake  , to say the words, the problem is why Genos sound not so good , you must instal The Genos, there is a program in Genos that set your sound so as you want it, i never know this

I heva learnd it on You Tube and now i set it how i want it he sound really much better, it means i make a mistake , i will Keep Genos this eveneing comes sombody to my house to buy the Tyros 5 from me

I not need it any more, My Genos sound great now i have learnd this

sorry for my words but i really have know this  I keep my Genos and i am happy people told me about this and it works now i am really busy to install my Genos

Korg pa5x  76 keys orantial      Yamaha Genos


Organplayer Montage

i sold my tyros 5 for a good price
Korg pa5x  76 keys orantial      Yamaha Genos
