Any experts on using Styleworks?

Started by jean_luc, January 28, 2014, 11:48:09 AM

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Hope someone will be able to help me with this one;

I am using Styleworks connected directly to my Korg PA3X

After I have tweaked the instruments using styleworks editor and then play a style from Styleworks via USB direct to the korg it sounds very good but if I save the style and then load it into the korg and play it from the keyboard it sounds pretty naff and not representative of the quality I had when it was played from the PC through styleworks.

Anyone got any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?





Does your PA3X use the same sounds, as you hear playing StyleWorks?
Tweaking styles on your keyboard gives better results




styleworks is using the sounds within the PAX3 - I have access to the keyboard sound banks so whatever I select from within Styleworks changes the keyboard sound accordingly.

I wrote to Klaus who writes Styleworks and he seems to think that when a style is played through styleworks the keyboard plays it as if it were a true midi file which is probably why it sounds good.

He suggested tweaking the style in the keyboard once its been loaded in.

Also, can you help me on editing styles. I know how to change the instrument but if I want to lower or raise the octave a particular instrument where do I do that - which sub menu should i be in?
